We hope you join us this Volunteers’ Week in saying a big THANK YOU to all our amazing volunteers across the UK who work tirelessly to keep our sport running. This has been a year like no other, and while that has sadly impacted our ability to play our sport it has meant that our volunteers have had the time to re-think and improve things behind the scenes. What better way to celebrate Volunteers’ Week then, than a recap of our achievements over the last few months and a look ahead to what’s in store:
WEBSITE and more…
In April this year we launched this brand-new website (ta-dah). Beyond the visual improvements and user-friendly mobile browsing, it offers an updated introduction to our sport and gives us the chance to introduce some exciting new things, such as:
Members’ area – we aim to have this up and running by the end of the summer in time for annual subscriptions. Along with playing members now being able to control their subscription through their login we’re looking to introduce free memberships for non-playing members which will tie in nicely with our;
Online Coaching Courses – hosted on our own website our NEW online coaching courses will ensure that our tchoukball courses are available to all and offer the perfect chance to grow our sport. We hope to have the Level 1 Coaching Course ready by autumn and growing our offer from there.
And while we wait for that… our development team has been hard at work and our latest recruit, Lead Schools’ Development Officer, Stephen Oliver has just introduced new Skills Game Cards for teachers (KS2). Some might even be suitable for our senior clubs to use as a fun warm-up game so make sure to check them out – who wouldn’t want to BOOM, tchouk, tchouk, tchouk the room…
They are always looking for volunteers so if you are interested, please complete this form.
On the more weighty side of things our Board of Directors, have been working on our next 5-year strategy and hope to introduce a new Chairperson by the end of the summer. Vacancy details here – deadline for applications is 30 June.
And what’s more, we have submitted our pre-application for the UK Sports Councils, and we should be hearing back very soon. If successful (and we think there’s a good chance we will be), this will offer us a massive boost – not only in terms of making tchoukball a household name (how do you say it again, tcOKball?) but will mean we will have access to some great funding opportunities and more.
Then on the playful side, our Euros 2022 Organising Committee has (re)started planning for the first European Tchoukball Championships since 2018. Our official re-bid to the International Tchoukball Federation (FITB), confirming dates and venues, is well underway and we urge everyone to keep their calendars clear for the last weekend of July and the first week of August 2022. We’ve already got the Facebook pages from 2020 so don’t forget to give us a follow: facebook.com/ETC2022uk | facebook.com/EYTC2022uk
To everyone who has been part of, and continuing to, making this work possible – THANK YOU. Including, but not limited to; Andy, Alex, Eithne, Hannah, Ian, Janine, Lisa, Mari, Martin, Phil, Richard and Stephen.
And finally, TUK would be nothing without ALL OF YOU out there in our clubs and regions championing our sport by playing, coaching, representing and supporting. We’ve said it before, and we will say it again; we can’t wait to have you back.